Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vacation Food ~ Mid Week Munchies

When I like to be organized (which doesn't always happen!) I like to make lists. I especially like to be organized when we go on vacation and in consequence I have alot of vacation lists. This month we are headed on our annual Tahoe Trip. We go every year and love the North Shore of Lake Tahoe. There are 12 of us and we typically go for 7 days. Food is a huge component on this trip. With 4 adults, 3 teenagers and 3 others on the cusp of teenage is always on the mind.

Tahoe is an expensive town and everything costs more. Being from Utah where food is at a relatively average price...buying groceries in Tahoe is outrageous. We've learned, I make a list and bring as many groceries as possible from Utah. A grocery list for Tahoe not only saves $$ but multiple trips to the store in Tahoe. Nothing is worst than trying to make a meal and you don't have a key ingredient. Everyone is starving and someone has to run to the store to buy butter!
I make 3 food lists for Tahoe: Essentials, Menu Meal and Snacks

Essentials: eggs, butter, salt, pepper, syrup, milk, popsicles, bread. We always stay in a house and typically there are some essentials available for our use, but you just never know.

Menu Meal: We plan a menu for our nightly dinners, I try and list everything I'll need to make for each dinner. A couple days before we leave I start compiling all my ingredients to take with us.
Breakfast is easier because we know we will either make french toast, pancakes or aebleskivers. A big breakfast is critical for a day on the beach or jet skiing.
Lunch is always sandwiches and snacks, which are put into a cooler to enjoy later in the day at the beach or on a hike.

Snacks: Out of 12 family members, 8 are kids and they love to snack. Having lots of cookies, snacks, drinks and chips at their disposal is key. With 8 kids running around you hear alot of I'm hungry!!

How do you get ready for a trip, especially when food is involved? I love to know your tips and tricks.

Happy July!

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Anonymous said...

I bake cookies and breads (banana, Zucchini, herb focaccia) and freeze them them for beach week we have all these 'fresh' baked goods! This is especially good when we go to the in-laws beach week where 22 people stay. Our family has milk allergies so I need to have plenty of food that our kids can eat.

jade said...

A friend of this blog Gerrit Tijink, who runs the slide database at Radboud Nijmegen University Department of Art History. גאודי ברצלונה

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